It’s true.
You can’t lose weight without consuming less calories than you burn.
However, I’m sure you don’t want to “lose weight”…you want to lose fat specifically.
To target fat loss, these are 2 important principles to follow.
- Be in a caloric deficit
- Focus on building muscle
But how do you put these principles into practice to maximize fat loss?
Table of Contents
Caloric Deficit
First, reach a caloric deficit by decreasing your caloric intake and increasing your caloric output.
You’ll want to focus on decreasing your caloric intake with these 3 main concepts:
- Portion control
- Practicing nutritional balance
- Implementing meal timing strategies
To increase your caloric output, workout 3-4 days a week for 45 minutes starting out.
You can gradually increase this to 4-5 days a week, but don’t try to increase your exercise routine to outwork poor nutritional decision.
…it never works long term.
By following Principle 1 – Be in a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. However, you don’t want to lose just any weight, you want to lose fat specifically. This is why it is also important to follow Principle 2 – Focus on building muscle.
Building Muscle
To build muscle, eat sufficient protein and consistently follow a strength training routine that is sustainable for you.
Without enough protein, you won’t optimize fat loss and instead lose more lean muscle mass in a caloric deficit.
With enough protein and a regular strength training routine, you will build or maintain muscle mass so the weight lost in a caloric deficit is fat, not muscle.
When you follow both principles together, you optimize fat loss.
Here is what one of our Small Group Members accomplished in 3 months following this advice:
- -7.3% in Body Fat
- -11.7lbs of Fat
- +5.6lbs of Lean Body Mass
- +3.7lbs of Muscle Mass

The BMR Calculator will tell you how many calories you need to eat to maintain, lose or gain weight.
BMR Calculator
Protein Calculator
Ready to build the body you want with a sustainable lifestyle?

David Minishian, MPH
Fitness and Nutrition Coach
David is the owner and head coach at Sculpt Fitness in Long Beach, CA. He leads the mission at Sculpt to educate, equip, and empower the local community to make the best decisions for their health. For over 10 years he has coached exercise and nutrition, helping clients create sustainable lifestyle to build the body they want. When he's not training, coaching or cooking, David is on an adventure with his wife and kids or teeing up his next shot on a golf course.