The Most Effective Ways to Burn More Calories

The Most Effective Ways to Burn More Calories

The Most Effective Ways To Burn More Calories  

The most effective ways to burn more calories are going to come from the activities that cause your body composition to change. That does not mean an endless amount of cardio! That can, and most often does, get in the way of building muscle and losing weight in a sustainable manner anyways.

In This Episode 

  • [00:26] – Strength Training
  • [01:14] – Staggering Workouts
  • [02:20] – Moving More
  • [03:02] – Increase Intensity
  • [03:46] – High Protein Diet

When you start Strength Training, you tell your body you want a composition change. Your body begins to burn fat and put on lean muscle mass, which causes you to burn more calories through the day, further helping your body composition change. — David Minishian

Resistance Based Strength Training

When you are strength training you are changing your body composition. You increase the amount of lean muscle mass on your body and that naturally causes you to burn more calories throughout the day on top of the calories you burn actually exercising. An important thing to note: after a while of doing the same or similar workouts your body adapts and it becomes easier, meaning that you won’t be getting the same benefits you once were. You begin to burn less calories and gain strength slower, that means it’s time to up the intensity.

Stagger Your Workouts

Staggering your workouts help you get all the benefits of your workouts and recovery periods. It is better to spread your workouts evenly through out the week so you can take advantage of the effects of consistency. Your body burns more calories than normal up to 72 hours after a workout, so you want don’t want to go long periods of time not working out and going stagnant. If you are working out 3 times a week, you would gain more from your efforts if you have them spaced out, something like Monday, Wednesday, Friday instead of clumping them together like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. This also applies to your activity outside of the workouts, moving more in general will promote more calorie burn through physically moving more and staying busy so that there is less “accidental” eating.

High Protein Diet

Those who focus on a high protein diet actullay burn more of the calories they consume then someone who doesnt consume as much protein. Out of the 3 Macro Nutrients, protein actually requires the most energy, the most calories, to break down and digest. So outside of protein rebuilding the damage to your muscles to get stronger and burn more calories in a day anyways, it also helps you burn even more calories through digestion.

Ready to create a sustainable lifestyle and

build the body you want?


David Minishian, MPH

David Minishian, MPH

Fitness and Nutrition Coach

David is the owner and coach at Sculpt Fitness in Long Beach, CA. The mission he has started at Sculpt is to educate, equip, and empower the local community to make the best decisions for their health. He has been coaching exercise and nutrition for over 10 years, helping clients create sustainable lifestyle to build the body they want. When he's not training, coaching or cooking, David is on an adventure with his wife and daughter or teeing up his next shot on a golf course.

How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs

How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs

How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs   

Are your limiting beliefs running your life? If you have excuses for why you haven’t pursued what is important to you, then the answer is yes. That may not be what you want to hear, but it’s the truth. As a coach I find that a person’s ability to overcome their limiting beliefs is strongly correlated with their success. When you are ready to take responsibility for your choices, you are ready to overcome the beliefs that previously held you back.

In This Episode 

  • [00:14] – Limiting Beliefs
  • [01:44] – Why We Limit Ourselves
  • [02:32] – Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

“The only thing that holds you back is yourself.” — David Minishian

Limiting Beliefs

A limiting belief is an acceptance that something is true about the world, others or ourselves. These are beliefs prevent us from  taking actions that we would otherwise take if we weren’t limited by the belief. Limiting beliefs stop us from progressing and pursuing goals before we even try. Often these beliefs take the form of excuses and we use these excuses to express that there were circumstances outside of our control. As long as these limiting beliefs exist, we can’t be our best. 

Why We Have Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs provide us with certainty. We like to be able to predict certain outcomes. If we do X, then Y will happen. But the truth is we don’t know that we can’t cook; we don’t know that there isn’t enough time in the day to exercise; we don’t know that our kids won’t exercise with us. It’s easier to claim that it won’t work than to test how it will. It’s easier to take a stance of certainty than to entertain the what is possible, especially when those possibilities aren’t in our favor.

Overcome Limiting Beliefs

The first step to overcoming a limiting belief is taking responsibility. By taking responsibility, you claim the power you have to accomplish your goals. Instead of expressing challenges as excuses, transform the way you think about challenges by changing the way you speak about them. For example, switch “It’s impossible to workout because (insert here)” to “I am capable of working out despite my 12 hour shifts, -despite caring for my 3 young kids, -despite the responsibilities and commitments of my days. I am capable of staying consistent even if they are 10 minute workouts.” Your language is important, because saying something is impossible makes it so.

Ready to create a sustainable lifestyle and

build the body you want?


David Minishian, MPH

David Minishian, MPH

Fitness and Nutrition Coach

David is the owner and coach at Sculpt Fitness in Long Beach, CA. The mission he has started at Sculpt is to educate, equip, and empower the local community to make the best decisions for their health. He has been coaching exercise and nutrition for over 10 years, helping clients create sustainable lifestyle to build the body they want. When he's not training, coaching or cooking, David is on an adventure with his wife and daughter or teeing up his next shot on a golf course.

How To Exercise Consistently With A Busy Schedule

How To Exercise Consistently With A Busy Schedule

How To Exercise Consistently With A Busy Schedule   

Sometimes it’s hard to find the time to exercise between work, family, and other obligations or commitments. It’s understandable, it’s real, but something undeniable about exercise is that it will improve every single aspect of your life.

In This Episode 

  • [00:30] – Schedule Your Workout First
  • [01:29] – Give 5 Minutes
  • [02:19] – Include Your Family

“See your workout as a focal point in your day, as the action that will give you the energy to be your best and do your best. That’s what exercise is all about, pushing yourself to be your best self.” — David Minishian

Schedule Your Workout First

Many people “can’t find” time to workout in their day. They pack their schedule full of activities and tasks to complete, leaving no room for exercise. Take the opposite approach. Exercise is a necessary activity to feel and do your best, so make it the focal point of your day by scheduling it first. By creating your schedule around your workout, you emphasize its importance. Your schedule is not an excuse to not exercise. It will improve your mood, your energy, and even your performance for your other tasks.

Give 5 Minutes

Every workout does not have to be 45 minutes or more. Instead, on your busiest days give yourself 5 minutes of exercise. If at the end of those 5 minutes you feel you can do a bit more, do it. If not then at least you did some movement for the day. Focus on being consistent with your daily exercise to prevent practicing the habit of completely skipping workouts. Even 5 minutes a day will make a big difference in your ability to get results because you are practicing consistency.

Include Your Family

Your family should not be the excuse to skip exercising. They should be the excuse to do it. They are a reason to start working out and keep it up as an example of how to live a healthy lifestyle. The best approach is to include the kids. Will it be easy? No. But your workout doesn’t need to be perfect. Do what you can, even if that means doing a bunch of squats while holding them, going on a bike ride or playing tag in the park. Get creative! Be the example; be active; and include them in the experience.

Ready to create a sustainable lifestyle and

build the body you want?


David Minishian, MPH

David Minishian, MPH

Fitness and Nutrition Coach

David is the owner and coach at Sculpt Fitness in Long Beach, CA. The mission he has started at Sculpt is to educate, equip, and empower the local community to make the best decisions for their health. He has been coaching exercise and nutrition for over 10 years, helping clients create sustainable lifestyle to build the body they want. When he's not training, coaching or cooking, David is on an adventure with his wife and daughter or teeing up his next shot on a golf course.

What is a Progressive Overload in Strength Training

What is a Progressive Overload in Strength Training

What is Progressive Overload in Strength Training?    

Progressive overload plays an important role in the results you achieve from a workout routine. It is a critical concept to understand in strength training. If you aren’t implementing it, you are not really pushing your body to be better than it was before.

In This Episode 

  • [00:30] – Progressive Overload Basics
  • [02:50] – Implementing Progressive Overload
  • [03:36] – Ensuring Progressive Overload is Working

“Progressive Overload is one of the most important concepts in strength training programs.”– David Minishian

Progressive Overload

Progressive overload is the process of gradually overloading the body with either volume, intensity, or frequency to reach a specific goal. Without a progressive overload, progress stops. A common misconception about achieving a progressive overload is that it is something you program into your workout plan. However, it is actually the evidence of results that your program is working for you and over weeks and months of training you will begin to see how your body responds and recovers from each subsequent workout. If progressive overload is not present in your strength training then you’ll plateau from not pushing your body to do more than it did before. 

How To Implement Progressive Overload

To start implementing a progressive overload, you will need to do two things:

1) Start Tracking. In a strength training program, you need to track program specifics like sets, reps, weight, total volume, and exercise frequency. By gradually making changes to these factors, you can ensure progress is happening.

2) Push to near failure each set. You will need to reach near failure with every set to implement progressive overload appropriately. If at the end of your set you can easily put out another 10 reps, you aren’t lifting heavy enough for your target reps. Coming as close as you can to near failure will promote optimal progress.

Also, note that different rep and weight schemas achieve different outcomes. For example, lifting lighter weight and doing higher rep counts increase your muscular endurance and cardio capacity, but it won’t contribute much to gaining strength or lean muscle tissue. To increase your muscle mass, you’ll need to lift heavier weight with a lower rep count. 

Ready to create a sustainable lifestyle and

build the body you want?


David Minishian, MPH

David Minishian, MPH

Fitness and Nutrition Coach

David is the owner and coach at Sculpt Fitness in Long Beach, CA. The mission he has started at Sculpt is to educate, equip, and empower the local community to make the best decisions for their health. He has been coaching exercise and nutrition for over 10 years, helping clients create sustainable lifestyle to build the body they want. When he's not training, coaching or cooking, David is on an adventure with his wife and daughter or teeing up his next shot on a golf course.

Why Your Hormones May Prevent Weight Loss…and What You Can Do About It

Why Your Hormones May Prevent Weight Loss…and What You Can Do About It

The Episode: Why Your Hormones May Prevent Weight Loss…and What You Can Do About It    

Your hormones won’t stop you from losing weight, but they may be a barrier you need to learn how to overcome. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with a medical condition or not, your hormones don’t have the final say…YOU DO! Here is a brief summary of how hormones function in regards to weight loss and what steps you can take to make your hormones work in your favor.

In This Episode 

  • [03:10] – The Role of Hormones
  • [05:49] – Promoting Balanced Hormones
  • [08:52] – Productive vs. Nonproductive Exercise

“For the majority of people, their lifestyle is promoting hormonal imbalances which impacts their ability to lose weight.” — David Minishian

The Role of Hormones

Hormones play two main roles in weight loss.

1) Hormones promote action or inaction. Do you feel hungry? Your hormones are saying you need to seek out food and eat. Do you feel lethargic? Your hormones are suggest you need to stop and rest. Our hormones are powerful drivers that impact our decisions. When hormones are properly functioning, they make the right suggestions to cue us on what the body needs. But when there are hormone imbalances, the body may make incorrect suggestions which lead to the wrong action. 

2) Hormones impact body composition. Hormone levels regulate the amount of lean body mass and fat mass each person has. They tell our body where to store energy and how much muscle tissue to build. Our daily activity, exercise routine, nutritional intake, and mindset can all impact our hormone levels. In fact, professional athletes, body builders and others seeking greater physical progress use hormones, whether legally or illegally, to gain a competitive advantage even at the expensive of their overall health.  

Promoting Balanced Hormones

To promote a hormonal balance that supports your ability to lose weight, there are a few key actions you can take:

1) Sleep 8-9 hours each night. When you don’t sleep enough, your body promotes more fat storage.

2) Eat 25-40 grams of fiber a day. If you’re not eating whole foods like fruits and vegetables, your body won’t send the signal to your brain saying, “Hey I’m full! Stop eating!” Making it more likely that you’ll overeat. 

3) Eat more smaller meals or eat fewer larger meals. You may find that one strategy works better to help you regulate your food intake without feeling hungry.

4) Drink 8 cups of water a day. When you aren’t hydrated, your body does not function optimally and the thirst you are feeling may seem like hunger, prompting you to eat even when you don’t need to eat.

5) Reduce processed food consumption. Specifically, limiting processed carbohydrates will keep your blood sugar and insulin levels in check. Chronically elevated blood glucose level cause excessive inflammation, which damages your body’s tissues and organs, and promotes greater fat storage. 

The Right Exercise

All exercise is good exercise. However, not all exercise is the best at accomplishing weight loss (or fat loss). Resistance Based Training does a better job at promoting growth hormone production to increase lean muscle mass and reduce fat storage. In addition to the increase in lean muscle mass, resistance based training also better regulates insulin levels and reduces insulin resistance which improves blood sugar levels. Cardio or flexibility based exercises are important too, but for weight loss they are of secondary importance. In fact, too much cardio may promote excessive cortisol in some individuals which may promote weight gain. Too much flexibility training decreases overall muscle strength and doesn’t promote weight loss specifically. 

Ready to create a sustainable lifestyle and

build the body you want?


David Minishian, MPH

David Minishian, MPH

Fitness and Nutrition Coach

David is the owner and coach at Sculpt Fitness in Long Beach, CA. The mission he has started at Sculpt is to educate, equip, and empower the local community to make the best decisions for their health. He has been coaching exercise and nutrition for over 10 years, helping clients create sustainable lifestyle to build the body they want. When he's not training, coaching or cooking, David is on an adventure with his wife and daughter or teeing up his next shot on a golf course.

3 Uncommon Ways To Maximize Results From An Exercise Program

3 Uncommon Ways To Maximize Results From An Exercise Program

Episode 13: 3 Uncommon Ways To Maximize Results From An Exercise Program    

When it comes to making the most of your efforts in an exercise program, there is more to address then just working out more or working out harder. You need to put yourself in a position to perform at the best of your ability and that happens more outside the gym then it does in it.

In This Episode 

  • [00:39] – Rest/Sleep
  • [02:13] – Flexibility
  • [05:21] – Follow the Program

“People often focus so much on the program that they forget what’s required of them outside of the program to get the most from it.” — David Minishian


People often overlook what is required of them outside of exercising more or exercising harder when starting a new workout routine. When the intensity of your program increases, the intensity of your rest and recovery need to increase too. You can’t perform at the best of your ability and progress further if you don’t let yourself recover.


When you have a rigid approach to your health and fitness goals, you are either all in or all out. This all or nothing mentality will kill your consistency long term. Instead, set yourself up for long term success and ditch the rigid schedule. If you miss a workout, make it up when you can. The plan does not have to be executed the exact way it was laid out. It can be molded to your lifestyle and adjusted to the time you have or equipment available to you. Allow yourself to participate in your program with flexibility. 

Follow The Program

If you are going to a gym or trainer to achieve results, you should also consult them before deciding to skip or swap exercises. Making the wrong swaps may hinder your progress and be counterproductive to your goals. Keep your coach in the loop, so the change made support the principles of the program and keep you on path. 

Ready to create a sustainable lifestyle and

build the body you want?


David Minishian, MPH

David Minishian, MPH

Fitness and Nutrition Coach

David is the owner and coach at Sculpt Fitness in Long Beach, CA. The mission he has started at Sculpt is to educate, equip, and empower the local community to make the best decisions for their health. He has been coaching exercise and nutrition for over 10 years, helping clients create sustainable lifestyle to build the body they want. When he's not training, coaching or cooking, David is on an adventure with his wife and daughter or teeing up his next shot on a golf course.

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