Week 19 – Less About Weight Loss, More About Self-Improvement


“I’m ready to see how my body has changed this month, Coach!” Mary said with a smile on her face. 

Mary confidently removes her shoes and steps on the InBody scale. 

It starts calculating. 

After receiving the recent progress report from her yearly physical exam, Mary wasn’t as concerned about the numbers on the scale. It was clear that her health is improving from the changes she’s made in the Small Group Boot Camp and that’s what matters. 

Mary continued to hold the InBody handles when the machine stopped. It read no change in weight and a 1.1% reduction in body fat.

Coach glanced at the results and looked up at Mary, “What are your thoughts?” 

“That’s good progress. I’m happy with that change.” 

“Me too. Do you want to make any changes to see a weight loss for next month?” 

Mary paused at the question, realizing that her Coach didn’t say that she needed to make any changes, “No, actually I’m okay without making any changes right now. Let’s wait to reevaluate next month.” 

Coach smiled, “Sounds good!”

Within the last four months Mary has created a sustainable lifestyle, a new way of living that has significantly improved her health. In that time, her journey has become less about weight loss and more about self-improvement, or more accurately being her best self. This is a common outcome of many successful clients, because reaching their goals requires them to change and as they change, often their goals change as well. 

Could Mary lose another 15 to 20 lbs healthfully? 

Yes, but there is no reason she needs to lose more weight. That is her choice.

Right now Mary is comfortable with her current lifestyle and the progress she’s seeing from it, and we’re happy to support her decision. 

Ready to build the body you want with a sustainable lifestyle?

David Minishian, MPH

David Minishian, MPH

Fitness and Nutrition Coach

David is the owner and head coach at Sculpt Fitness in Long Beach, CA. He leads the mission at Sculpt to educate, equip, and empower the local community to make the best decisions for their health. For over 10 years he has coached exercise and nutrition, helping clients create sustainable lifestyle to build the body they want. When he's not training, coaching or cooking, David is on an adventure with his wife and kids or teeing up his next shot on a golf course.