Week 9 – How Accountability is Done Right

Last Sunday, Mary received her Slack Channel reminder that weigh-ins and measurements were scheduled for Monday.
Mary was excited and a little nervous.
She came to class early Monday morning and stepped on the InBody Scanner.
The results…👇
Down 7.4lbs and 4.2% body fat 💪
Mary was very happy with the outcome, but her Coach at class still encouraged Mary to book an Accountability Check-in with Coach David to review her overall progress later in the week.
Accountability Done Right
Accountability Check-ins are valuable opportunities to verify the right changes are happening at the right time.
In these sessions, we review what’s working, what’s not and how to stop plateaus before they happen.
While the weigh-ins and measurements track the physical outcomes from the program, Accountability Check-ins are about addressing the whole person, not only the numbers.
At Mary’s Accountability Check-in, we reviewed her…
- Attendance which has steadily remained 4x a week
- Nutritional habits of eating breakfast and high protein snacks
- Sleeping patterns that have consistently stayed above 7 hours a night
- Environmental changes at home including more physical activity with the family
- Progress with the main movements including squats, deadlifts, chest press, back row, and split stance squats and gave her new target weights and repetitions to aim for during class
Due to training history, progressions of weights, and maintenance of lean body mass from last weigh-in, we gave Mary the new training targets to ensure she continues to build muscle and targets fat loss…aka prevent plateauing before it happens.
Checking In on How We’re Feeling
Most importantly, we asked Mary,
“How are you feeling about the process?”
It’s easy to review everything you’re doing right and provide further direction, but if you don’t enjoy the process it won’t last.
As Mary reflected on her new lifestyle changes, she expressed how they’ve provided a flexible structure to her new way of living. She described feeling in control of the process and not restricted by unsustainable rigid rules.
It was encouraging to hear how Mary was feeling about the process.
This is how making change should feel and by regularly reflecting on these changes we can make adjustments when needed.
The main goal of the Small Group Boot Camp is to “Create a Sustainable Lifestyle to Build the Body You Want.”
Because without sustainable change, there won’t be sustainable results.
And we want to make sure you enjoy the process, so your results last.