Week 14 – The Benefit of Working With a Coach

At the end of March, Mary was scheduled for her 3 month weigh-in and progress assessment.
Wow…3 months went by fast.
Despite the setback of being sick, Mary stuck to her dietary changes, showed up 4x a week, mostly slept 7 hours a night, and learned how to progressively increase the difficulty of her workout routine to drive results.
Her clothes fit better.
Her energy levels are higher.
And she’s spending more outdoor activity time with her family.
Keeping these wins top of mind, Mary steps on the InBody scanner.
Working With a Coach
Her weight pops up…down 2.1lbs.
After her 1st month Mary lost 2 lbs, and it was hard to accept. Now she continues with the scan without hesitation. She grabs the handles and waits for the body fat percentage to finish calculating.
Down 2.3%.
Mary looks up at her Coach, “What does this mean?”
“Let’s go through the numbers together,” Coach replied.
“In total you have lost 9.5lbs and 6.5% body fat in 3 months. This translates to losing 14.6lbs of fat and gaining 5lbs of lean body mass.”
Mary was happy with that outcome, but still a little stuck on why her total weight loss slowed down recently.
Coach continued to explain,”You recently made a programming change from endurance to hypertrophy. This change is helping you build and retain more muscle mass. However, this process requires more water to be retained by your muscles to aid in the repair. You’re seeing this additional water on the scale. Between the previous scan 5 weeks ago and now, you lost 2.1lbs, but the amount of fat lost was 4.6lbs. The reason you aren’t seeing 4.6lbs lost on the scale is because you gained 2.5lbs of new muscle and water.”
“Okay, that makes sense. Should I change anything I’m doing?” replied Mary.
“No, stay your current course.”
Coaching moments like these are crucial to Mary’s long-term success.
Without a coach who knows how the body works and responds to different training programs, Mary could have misinterpreted her results and felt discouraged that her hard work wasn’t paying off.
By having a coach guiding her, Mary has stayed on the right track and spent her time and energy on what matters most.
A coach’s support is more than a source of accountability and encouragement, but a professional guide to keep you focused on the path to success.